Service and support across India



Service and Support

With a network of engineers across India has a team to support the uptime and performance of your important equipment and systems. Our experienced team and service methodology enables your team to have full confidence in their equipment and focus on their patients.







Our style is collaborative, with open communication and transparency during installation. We have a 100% success rate with on-time installations and smooth transitions at Go Live. We provide full support to our customers immediately after Go Live and ongoing as needed.


We offer the highest level of operator training, whether advanced users or general operators. Training programs are custom designed with each client in mind to meet and exceed their needs. Programs are provided to ensure that all users present are properly equipped for routine maintenance and operations.

Preventative Maintenance

Analyzers are maintained to the highest standards to ensure quality results - as measured by the number of direct (or missing) recalls, customer feedback, and avoidable indirect recalls. Our engineers, who have all worked in blood banks, know and understand the importance of quality results to the safety and care of our patients.

Emergency Servicing

We are contactable and available 24/7 onsite for emergency repairs. Calls to our toll-free helpline are answered promptly by our local technical service team. That's right, the friendly team that specializes in repairing your analyzers and knowing them well will be on the other end of the phone call!

Consulting & Advice

LabX boasts a highly specialized team of experts who are available round the clock to provide support for product, system and application related services. We are dedicated to offering technical and educational resources and devising effective strategies to elevate your blood bank's efficiency.

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